Bazeia ba Roma 1:18-32
(Versikulu kompletu haree iha parte referensia iha parte okos)
Ita sai hanesan buat ne'ebé ita adora. Se ita adora ídulu ka estátua sira ne'ebé la iha folin, ita-nia moris sei la iha folin. Se ita adora Maromak, ikusmai ita sei sai hanesan Nia.
Apóstolu Paulo komesa esplika kona-ba buat ne'ebé lao sala ona iha mundu ne'e. Problema prinsipál ne'ebé akontese mak ema prefere liu adora kriatura no kriasaun duké adora Maromak (Roma 1:25).
Maromak revela (fó sai ona ninia an) iha Eskritura sira no ikusmai iha Jesus Kristu, ne'ebé mak reprezenta Nia (Ebreu 1: 3). Maibé oinsá ho sira ne'ebé nunka rona evanjelu ka liafuan di'ak? Paulo nia argumentu iha ne'e mak ita hotu "la iha razaun" katak ita lahatene Maromak (Roma 1:20).
Maromak hatudu sai ona Ninia an iha ninia kriasaun: Maromak nia realidade mak klaru tebes. Loke ó-nia matan no haree! Haree didi'ak ba buat ne'ebé Maromak kria ona, ema sempre haree saida mak sira-nia matan la bele haree hanesan: purezemplu Maromak nia kbiit rohan-laek, no Maromak nia mistériu sira. Tanba ne'e laiha ema ida mak iha razaun di'ak atu dehan sira lahatene Maromak (Roma 1: 19-20).
Koñesimentu kona-ba Maromak ne'e parsiàl no limitadu. Maibé, hanesan autór salmu hatete: Lalehan foo sai Maromak nia glória, no loro leten deklara Ninia liman nia servisu. Salmu 19:1
Ita hateke de'it ba mundu ne'ebé Maromak kria atu hatene katak Maromak ne'e iha. Problema iha mundu ne'e mak maski Maromak revela ka fó sai ona nia an, maibé ema lakohi adora Nia nafatin (Roma 1:21). Sira la fó glória ba nia nu'udar Maromak no la fó agradese ba nia (Roma 1:21). Duke adora Maromak sira adora no serví fali kriatura ka kriasaun (Roma 1:25).
Tan ne'e, apóstolu Paulo hakerek katak Maromak entrega sira ba sira-nia hakarak rasik (Roma 1:24, 26,28). Maromak husik ita atu la'o tuir dalan rasik atu nune'e ita bele aprende kona-ba rezultadu aat sira husi hahalok aat sira. Moris ne'ebé fila kotuk ba Maromak mak moris ne'ebé folin laek. Moris ne'ebé la iha Maromak mak moris ne'ebé la iha domin (Roma 1: 27).
Tanba ema la prekupa ho Maroma, Maromak husik sira la'o tuir sira-nia hakarak rasik (Roma 1:28).
Bainhira vontade adorasaun ba Maromak tun, ema nia morál mós tun. Ita labele hakfodak bainhira ita-nia moral tun tanba ita lakohi adora Maromak iha ita-nia nasaun maibé Adora sasan sira ne'ebé la'os Maromak, tan ne'e buat barak ne'ebé esplika iha lisaun ne'e kona ita.
Se Ita hakarak tau Ita- nia perspetiva ne'ebé loos, ita-nia hanoin tenke nafatin fokus ba Jesus no kontinua adora no serbí Ita-nia kriador.
Nai, ha'u harohan atu iha ami-nia sosiedade bele halakon adorasaun ba kriatura no kriasaun maibé adora de'it Maromak, ita-nia Kriador.
Roma 1: 18-32
18 Tanba Maromak nia laran hirus mosu mai hosi lalehan hasoru ema nia hahalok nebee la hamtauk no la loos. Tanba liu hosi hahalok la loos ema hanehan lia loos.
19 Tanba buat nebee ema bele hatene kona ba Maromak, ema bele hatene mo-moos deit, tanba Maromak hatudu ona buat sira nee ba ema.
20 Tanba maski ema la haree ho matan buat nebee Maromak nian, katak Ninia kbiit rohan laek no Ninia karakter nudar Maromak, sira sei bele hatene mo-moos. Tanba dezde Nia kria mundu, ema bele kompriende buat sira nee liu hosi buat nebee Nia halo ona. Nunee ema la iha razaun atu la fiar.
21 Tanba maski sira hatene Maromak, sira la foo glória ba Nia nudar Maromak no sira la foo agradese ba Nia. Maibee sira nia hanoin lakon ona folin, no sira nia laran beik sai nakukun.
22 Sira foti aan nudar ema matenek klean, afinál sira sai beik-teen.
23 Sira husik glória hosi Maromak nebee nunka mate hodi hetan estátua ho modelu hanesan ema nebee bele mate, no hanesan manu, animál ain haat no animál sira nebee dolar.
24 Nunee Maromak entrega sira ba sira nia laran nebee kaan atu sai foer no estraga sira nia isin lolon ho ema seluk.
25 Tanba sira troka Maromak nia lia loos ho lia bosok. Sira adora no serví kriasaun laos Kriadór, nebee simu bensaun too rohan laek! Amén.
26 Tanba razaun nee Maromak husik sira tuir sira nia hakarak nebee la loos. Sira nia feto sira troka relasaun naturál atu halo tuir buat nebee kontra hasoru hahalok naturál.
27 Hanesan nee mos mane sira husik relasaun naturál ho feto sira no kaan fali mane seluk. Mane halao hahalok moe nian ho mane sira seluk, no sira simu kastigu tuir sira nia sala.
28 Sira lakohi atu hanoin Maromak, entaun Maromak husik sira ba hanoin folin laek atu halo buat nebee tuir lo-loos la bele halo.
29 Sira sai nakonu ho buat oi-oin nebee la loos, hahalok sala, laran kaan no hahalok aat. Sira sai nakonu ho laran moras no sira oho ema. Sira sempre istori malu, bosok malu, hanoin aat no lori lia.
30 Sira koalia aat kona ba ema seluk, odi Maromak, la iha respeitu, foti aan, gaba aan, halo planu aat no la halo tuir inan-aman.
31 Sira beik no la fiel. Sira la hatudu laran diak ka laran luak.
32 Maski sira hatene Maromak nia estatutu katak sira nebee halo buat sira nee merese atu mate, sira kontinua halo nafatin buat sira nee. Laos nee deit, maibee sira apoia ema seluk nebee halo mos buat sira ne'e.
Romans 1:18-32 NKJV
[18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
[19] because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them.
[20] For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse,
[21] because, although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.
[22] Professing to be wise, they became fools, [23] and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like corruptible man—and birds and four-footed animals and creeping things.
[24] Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves,
[25] who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen.
[26] For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature.
[27] Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due.
[28] And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting;
[29] being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness; they are whisperers, [30] backbiters, haters of God, violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
[31] undiscerning, untrustworthy, unloving, unforgiving, unmerciful;
[32] who, knowing the righteous judgment of God, that those who practice such things are deserving of death, not only do the same but also approve of those who practice them.
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